We are grateful to the community of writers, perfume bloggers and editors for being so supportive of The Art and Olfaction Awards. Please read on for some press highlights.

New York Times
"[...] the Oscars of independent perfumery"
March 18, 2022



"It isn’t every day you get to see some of the world’s most revered artistic perfumers gathered together in one room – perhaps even less frequent to witness them, later, huddled beneath the awning of a Tex-Mex bar eating chips from a bucket – but such was the scene of this year’s Art and Olfaction Awards[...]"
April, 2018


The Perfume Society
"With an on-going diary bursting with creative, interactive projects, talks and workshops, each year the IAO celebrate independent perfumery with an awards ceremony – the fragrances blind-sniffed by an array of knowledgable judges – and the awards themselves (known as ‘The Golden Pears’) handed out at a differing city each year."
April, 2018


Monocle Arts Review Podcast
"[They] foster creative work in scent, and also give awards for it - to perfumers and artists.”
May, 2017



"Friday’s summit [and awards] was part of [the IAO's] mission to build mutual support and a sense of community for this broad ranging group of creatives who may work at the margins of the fragrance industry, deep within it, or completely outside of it."
May, 2017



Nez, La Revue Olfactive
"The Art and Olfaction Awards à Berlin, les nouveaux horizons de l’art olfactif"
May, 2017



Fashion Network
"It was probably the most awesome audience ever to see the Silent Green KulturQuartier ever, when the 4th Art and Olfaction Awards were held there."
May, 2017



"What I have seen in Berlin is a reunion of some of the most outstanding and passionate people working in the niche fragrance industry. The inclusion of the Experimental Scent Summit made all the difference and created a statement, a letter of intention from the organization, and it might become even more important that the award itself. It was an advanced attitude of transmitting knowledge and debating questions."
May, 2017



Aus Liebe Zum Duft
"...Extremely well received - with high-profile supporters and partnerships - and are gaining more and more prominence."
May, 2017



Perfumer + Flavorist Magazine
"Art and Olfaction Awards Honor Independent Perfumers"
April, 2017


perfumer flavorist

LA Weekly
"Since 2014, the Institute for Art and Olfaction has hosted an awards ceremony to recognize the pre-eminent names and organizations in new fragrance creation."
June, 2017



The New Yorker
"Last Friday, at the second annual Art and Olfaction Awards, in Los Angeles, four of the evening’s five Golden Pears went to traditional fragrances. Vegetal aromas fared particularly well. [...] The real excitement, however, lay in the Sadakichi Award for Experimental Use of Scent, which was new to the event this year."
April, 2015



“Advancing the medium in spite of an industry that’s largely stuck in its ways. Democratizing and demystifying scent-based art. [...] The 'Golden Pears' manages to undermine expected pretension, allowing style and humor to exist side by side."
April, 2015



Style Arabia
"To my knowledge, the only fluff-free fragrance contest in the world."
Luca Turin, April, 2015



“Uno dei premi più importanti dedicati al mondo della profumeria d’autore.”
Cipria Magazine
May, 2016



‘Hundreds of perfumes from all over the world entered in the running, where nine highly respected industry professionals blind judged the entries with only the scent and the perfumers intention to base their decisions on.'
CityGram Austin
April, 2015



‘Une parfumeuse québécoise récompensée lors d’un concours international’
Interview avec Isabelle Michaud on Ici Radio, for the CBC
Ici Radio-Canada
April, 2015


‘One of the biggest prizes in […] perfumery’
Allure Magazine, Italy
April, 2015


“Expanding the discourse”
LA Times
by Ingrid Schmidt
December, 2014


“[...] going to be as prestigious as winning a Fragrance Foundation award very soon.”
by Mark Behnke
December, 2014


“[...] akin to the movie industry’s Spirit Awards for indie films.”
Huffington Post
by Mary Orlin
December, 2014


“A competition that honors perfume without politics.”
CaFleureBon (by Michelyn Camen)
April, 2014