June 12, 2014 - Comments Off on Preparing for 2015
Preparing for 2015
Summer is in full swing and it's becoming apparent that our weary bones have rested enough: It's time to start preparing for 2015!
A few exciting developments are already underway (including a new category for experimental perfumery), and we're beginning to take stock of what will be needed for our second event.
Since starting early is always wise, we're putting the word out now. Have a look at this list, and let us know of any ideas!
1. In-kind support: Beer, wine, food... We need it all! If you have a good tip, or know someone who knows someone who runs a distillery or a food company or... Well... Send it our way! [email protected]
2. Boots on the ground: We anticipate quite a few more submissions this year, and we're going to need some help. Bear in mind that tracking and managing the submissions is a complicated process: We'll need a small pool of volunteers who are truly committed, and can give five hours a week between Nov. 17 and Dec. 22, 2014. If that's you, please email us at [email protected]
Finally, we've settled on a submission timeline. Gentlemen and Ladies: Start your engines.
- We open submissions on Monday November 3, 2014
- Submissions are due postmarked by Friday December 19, 2014
- We will accept perfumes that were released to market between January 1 and Dec 31, 2014.
Published by: artandolfactionawards in process
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